join us for our 3rd year of afterschool programming at horatio b. hackett elementary!

Enrollment opens for returning K-5 families on Friday, March 8 at 10a.m. New family registration begins Wednesday, March 13 at 10am.

Administrators may choose to include pre-k students in the program if we have enough interest, based on staffing logistics, space availability, and student to teacher ratios. If your child is in pre-k and you are interested in this programming, please complete this interest form to help us plan.


The Waitlist will become available when enrollment at this site is full.


Hackett playloud Daily Schedule


3:15-3:30 dismissal

All students report to the Cafetorium to meet the PlayArts teachers.


3:30-4:00 snack time and bathrooms

Students eat snack with the group in the cafetorium and have the opportunity to use the bathroom before going outside.


4:00-4:30 outdoor play time

Students play outdoors on the Hackett playground


4:30-5:30 inside time

While inside, students will work on the following, depending on the date:

  • Art Lessons

  • Homework

  • Games & Free play


5:30-6:00 play time & pick-up

Warm weather pickup will be conducted from the playground.

Cold/rainy weather pickup will be conducted from the main doors on York Street.



Starting in August, parents & guardians will be required to join the Hackett Remind Group with the code “PLHACKETT”


Use the Remind app to Communicate:

  • Absences

  • Pick-up Times

  • Shared Photos

  • Lost Items

  • Illness, Minor Injuries, Behavior Issues

Major injuries, immediate behavior concerns, and other emergencies will be communicated via phone call.



A nonrefundable registration deposit of one month’s tuition, $410, will be required to hold your child’s spot in the program. This deposit will be act as your last invoice in May, 2025 if all other payment terms have been met. 

Half Day Camps are NOT included in the monthly tuition.

The price of monthly tuition is consistent at $410 / month.

  • Plans are billed in 10 monthly installments and are not dependent on the number of days in the month.

  • Half days are NOT included in tuition. Learn more about registering for camp days here.

  • $410 per monthly installment, due on the 20th of each month

  • Payments received after the 20th will incur late fees of $15 per day


Half Days ARE NOT included in afterschool tuition. All families will have to register for half and full day camps separately.

Join us at Horatio B. Hackett for Half Day Camp Programming.

Join us at PlayArts Pop-Up at the Piazza for Full Day Camp Programming.